Friday, August 5, 2011

We're still here!

Here's what we've been up to in the last couple of months...

We went strawberry picking in NJ with friends. Logan wasn't so interested in the berry picking but he and the other kids we were with found the John Deere-inspired trikes that were there. It was his first time on a tricycle and he figured it out pretty quickly, despite the rocky terrain. 

We visited the aquarium.  Each time we go we see something new. Here, Logan is feeling what a fish might feels when another fish swims by.

Gibson discovered that his feet can fit in his mouth.  Well, at least his toes can.

We visited the Transit Museum.  Such a cool place, especially since Logan is really into trains and buses.  Here, he drove the bus and took Gibson and me back to our neighborhood.

Logan in one of the old subway trains.  He loves that we can walk between the cars, something that we can't do on the "real" subway.  He also gets a kick out of the old trains that had ceiling fans in them.

Fun with water at our local field.  He can reach the water fountain!

Gibson and Paul flirt.  There is nothing sweeter than a man flirting with his baby.

Logan does some digging at the field while wearing Paul's hat.  Note the pink bandana sling.  Logan had a greenstick fracture in his left clavicle from me flipping him while playing.  We took him to urgent care locally where he experienced getting X-rays.  He was pretty upset when the doctor examined him, since he had fallen asleep a few minutes before and woke up to some strange guy in his face telling him he wanted to feel his bones.  All in all, the doctor and the X-ray technician were great with him.  Logan seemed to really like being able to see the X-rays of his bones on a computer.  The doctor recommended Logan keep his arm immobile by wearing a sling.  The one they gave him at urgent care fit Paul so we made one out of a bandana.

He is a beautiful kid.

Checking out a book.  Logan likes to play a game where he brings me a book and I get really upset because I can't read.  He cracks up and brings me book after book while I exclaim, "Not ANOTHER book!  I can't read!  I don't like books.  Don't bring me another one!!!"  His laugh is awesome.

Gibson started being able to sit up on his own but sometimes flops over (thus the blue Boppy pillow behind hime).  He's grabbing things and playing more and more each day.  Logan seems to love that Gibson is doing more things than nurse, sleep, pee/poop.

Gibson LOVES to pull my glasses off my face and play with them.  He moves them from hand to hand while babbling and giggling.  It's awesome to watch and hear.

Logan discovered the joy of running through sprinklers in our neighborhood.  We ran through this one for a while.  Logan's hair was soaked by the time he was ready to move on.  This seemed like a HUGE thing for him.  He hasn't liked getting his head wet since birth.  After running through this sprinkler for a while he told me that he's used to his head being wet and it's not so bad.

Gibson chilling out in the stroller at the field.  This picture makes my heart smile.

Logan playing in the dirt pile at the field.  We have been spending our evenings at the field playing in one of the many dirt piles. It's amazing to see and hear Logan making up stories while he plays there.  The day this picture was taken, he was pretending the dirt was being crushed in a rock crusher.

Logan picked out a LEGO police boat when we were at Target.  I put it together for him and I guess he really liked it because he fell asleep with it in his hand.  Regular sized LEGO is really frustrating for him (and for me sometimes!) so he enjoys watching someone put the item together and then plays with it for hours.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for updates!!!!!!! It helps my missings :) Love all of the pics - the boys are just *precious*!!! And I can't believe G is sitting up!!!! omgosh time flies...
