Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Visiting Oma and Opa

Opa's 70th birthday was a week or so ago and Paul, Logan, Gibson and I drove down to surprise him and celebrate with he and my mom.  As expected, it was a long drive and Opa seemed pretty surprised.  While my dad was at work on Saturday morning, Paul, Logan, Gibson and my mom ran some errands for my dad's surprise party.  Once Opa came home, everyone except Oma headed out to the local airport to maybe see some gliders and to visit Ivine's farm.  No gliders were flying but Paul got to see the airport Logan and I mention often.  The weather was beautifully warm and Logan got some time to chase butterflies, pick chicken eggs and find a cool insect!  Ivine was so kind to bring Logan a dozen eggs later when she came to Opa's party.

Opa, Gibson, Logan with Green Pig that I won from a claw machine earlier in the day, and me

Logan and the chickens

Logan found a cool caterpillar that we brought back to NY

Logan picking eggs

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe it's already been a year, nearly, since Gibson's birth! It's fun seeing pictures of everyone :-).

    I *love* your hair in that cut. Did you also color it? Or maybe it's the sun highlighting some auburn hues? Very pretty, regardless.

    Love Logan's Angry Birds' pig.
